British visitors to Gibraltar may face Schengen checks under new Brexit proposals

Gibraltar, April 4, 2024:

The tiny British territory on the southern tip of Spain is not currently part of the Schengen Area, which allows passport-free travel between 26 European countries.

However, if the UK leaves the EU without a deal, Gibraltar could be forced to join Schengen in order to maintain its open border with Spain.

This would mean that British visitors would have to go through Schengen immigration checks to enter Gibraltar. The current rules allow British visitors to use their passports up to the expiry date, but under the new rules, passports would need to be less than 10 years old with at least three months remaining validity.

British visitors would also be subject to the 90-day in 180-day rule, which limits the amount of time that non-EU citizens can spend in the Schengen Area. Currently, British nationals do not need a visa to enter Gibraltar. However, if Schengen rules are applied, visas may be required for work or study.

The Gibraltar government is seeking to avoid Schengen membership and is working on a mobility arrangement with the EU that would allow British citizens to continue to travel freely to Gibraltar.

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